Friday, April 23, 2021





A massive diesel drill rig

has toppled into the river.

Rain undermined the plank

roadway, the caterpillar treads

flailed, and a mudslide tripped

the rig into shallow water.


This drill didn’t just stumble.

You can see how the stonework

collapsed and allowed the crude

temporary road to slip away.

Hardhats stand around gazing

with disgust. Bridge construction


will halt for days or weeks while

the most powerful wreckers

trundle from deep in Ohio

or as far away as Alaska

to shoulder this helpless monster

upright on its mucky footing.


Luckily no one was hurt,

but our collective industrial

confidence has been shattered.

You claim that if everyone

properly read D. H. Lawrence

we would never mess with machines


I agree we’re all guilty of crimes

against nature and humanity,

but if the right words could absolve us

wouldn’t I be first to apply them

to dings and dents in the universe

and make my mark forever?


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Mystery of the Day



At the edge of the forest, a man

erects a twenty-foot antenna,

unfolds table and chair, and plies

a boxy electronic device.


Surely, he’s contacting species

millions of light years from here—

creatures long gone extinct

that will receive his message

long after Earth is a cinder.


Living the science fiction life

suits thickset white-bearded fellows

bored with retirement in towns

too dull to compete with the blaze

of the post-atomic night sky.


What if I ask this man to explain

his battery-powered hobby?

Would I learn it’s something mundane,

like ham radio? Or broadcasting

mambos and sambas for bears?


No, I watch from a distance

and wonder what he’s telling

some green or gray-toned life-forms

about our winsome little habits.


Maybe he’s hoping warp drives

will enable them to conquer

this planet and impose a fresh

culture on our depleted race.


The April wind rattles the forest.

A red-tailed hawk soars overhead.

Soon new leaves will speak aloud,

muffling the sincerest attempts

to enact alternative worlds.